Monday, February 4, 2008

if i could...

as proud as a peacock!

if i could delete all the bad memories just like deleting all the files in the hard disk...wouldn't it be nice?by this i can always be a happier person..but it can't teach u anything about this life..because we didn't learn anything..and u are not too mature by the age that u suppose to be mature..from now on i realized that, people should be treated like the way they treated us..but if they full of egotistic, we just be modest as we need to show off to them...but if your patient is off the limit, just kick their ass..just shut their mouth up..from now on i don't want to be nice to any person that not nice to me...what's the point if they are not nice to me, should i still be nice to them..i feel like i'm being fooled by them.."macam jadi tembok je"'s move need to turn back and regret anything that happened to us..take is as a path of your life to the rite direction...hmmm..


bodoh sombong,
tak sedar diri,
jgn nyesal,
kemudian hari.

mintak tolong,
sana sini,
tidak kira,
apa jadi.

dah senang,
jauh diri,
tiada apa-apa terjadi.

itulah ego,
masa kini dan mendatang,
tapi tidak masa lampau,
yg tidak boleh diubati..

manusia oh manusia,
apakah yg terjadi,
ada hati,
keras macam batu..



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